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Morning session
09:30-10:00 Entrance and welcome
10:00-10:30 Dr. Patrick Roth "Controversies and future treatments strategies for Glioma"
10:40-11:10 Dr. Martin Klein “Controversies in neuropsychological assessment in low-grade gliomas”
11:20-11:50 Dr. Lorenzo Bello “Controversies in surgical treatment of low-grade gliomas”
11:50-12:00 1st Case presentation
12:00-12:20 General assembly (BANO members)
12:00 ---LUNCH---
Afternoon session
13:20-13:50 Dr. Daniëlle Eekers “Photon versus proton therapy for low grade glioma”
13:50-14:20 Dr. Jef Vandemeulebroucke "One decade of deep learning: past, present and future directions for AI in neuro-oncology"
14:20-14:50 Flore Herman “Should survivorship care be integrated in the care of low grade gliomas?”
14:50-15:00 2nd Case presentation
15:00 ---BREAK---
15:30-16:00 Dr. Felix Sahm "DNA methylation profiling in diagnosis and prognosis
of brain tumors"
16:00-16:10 3rd Case presentation
16:10-16:25 BANO prize 2021 report & presentation
16:25-16:40 Announcement of the “BANO prize winners of 2022”
16:50-17:20 Voting and announcement of the “Case of the year prize”